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Kansas City United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming, Peace with Justice congregation located in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City, Missouri.


We are a unique family of God’s people. Our worship is traditional, but our thinking is not! Like all members of the United Church of Christ, KCUCC is a self-governing congregation that embraces the idea that Christians do not always have to agree to live together in community. Our congregation strives to be deeply spiritual and socially relevant. We are a congregation that cares deeply about one another and about “all God’s people.”


You may see pictures of a comma on our web site and other materials about our church.  The comma is the logo used by our denomination, the United Church of Christ, to express the idea that God is Still Speaking.


The comma comes from Gracie Allen, who said, “Never place a period where God has placed a comma.”   We believe that phrase sums up pretty well our efforts to discern between the human interpretations of the Bible and church dogma which oppress people and the voice of God which calls humanity to celebrate our differences and care for one another.


Our Sunday messages grow out of the word of the “Still Speaking God.” We believe “God is Still Speaking” today through science and technology and through working for the rights of ethnic minorities, women, our LGBTQ friends, those living in poverty, and in fact, all people. We do not believe that we have to oppress our sisters and brothers just because Christians have done so in the past.  We believe God still speaks to us today and helps us to see how religion has been used to hurt God’s children so that we can be a community of faith that loves and welcomes all people.

About Kansas City United Church of Christ

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