“Hi.” “Welcome!” “We’re glad you are here!”
This is what you will hear when you join us on Sunday morning worship. The Worship Service is the heart of our community.
10:30 a.m. on Sundays
Livestream available on Facebook for virtual worship

Our ushers will graciously welcome you, and don’t be surprised if they ask you if you are visiting for the first time. Near the start of our service there is time for people to stand and greet one another. At this time, people sitting near you, church members and regular attendees, will welcome you.
We don’t make visitors stand and we won’t single you out. In each pew, there will be a ‘visitor’ slip that we encourage you to fill out and drop in the offering plate when it comes around. Of course you don’t have to sign in, but it’s an easy way for us to get you information about our special events!
While the philosophy of our church is quite progressive, our worship has the feel of a traditional Protestant service. The ministers wear robes, and classic hymns are set to music from a pipe organ (although some of the words have been revised to reflect a more inclusive worldview). Most of the time soloists will sing accompanied by organ or piano, but on occasion an acoustic guitar, a violin, harp or other instrument may make an appearance.
Our order of worship will tell you when to sit, when to stand, when to sing, and where to find the lyrics to the songs. Our service is reverent but it is also relaxed, so no one is expected to get all the cues correct all the time–even if you have been coming to KCUCC for a long time.
At the end of each service, we join hands and sing a short blessing, “God be with you ‘til we meet again.” We do this so that every person in the room knows that her or his presence matters to God and to the community. So don’t be freaked out when some stranger tries to grab your hand! We know not everyone is comfortable holding hands, so hand holding is optional but please know your presence matters to us.
Our ministers wear robes, but people in the congregation come in a variety of clothes. Some people wear suits and ties and some people wear nice dresses. Others come in t-shirts and wear jeans or shorts depending on the weather. We don’t think going to church on Sunday mornings should be a fashion show, so whatever clothes you are comfortable in are fine with us.
KCUCC celebrates Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. We practice open communion, so all are welcome to the table. No faith is too weak or doubt too strong. Whether you are a member of our church, another church or no church, there is still a place for you at the communion table. Jesus didn’t turn people away, and neither do we!
If you so choose, we use the process of intinction, which involves dipping a piece of bread into wine, or in our case, grape juice.
If you feel so inclined, please join us in the social hall after worship for a cup of coffee, some sort of yummy treat, and friendly conversation.
KCUCC values children. Children take part in worship during the Children’s Time at the front of the sanctuary with Pastor Jessica. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate communion and children may take communion whatever their age. Special worship bags containing activities just for them are located in the back of the sanctuary. We have a “Safe Child” policy at KCUCC, which means two adults are with children at all times they are in our care. All teachers have participated in “Safe Child” training and submitted to background checks.
KCUCC offers Sunday school once a month based on demand, and this year will be offering a summer camp for 6-12 year olds!