In 1989 Reverend Rodger Kube, from KCUCC, and his wife, Diane, visited Germany during the early Advent season and upon their return they championed the idea of creating an event similar to the street fairs they had attended in Germany. The idea had possibilities!
The ideas expanded. And then reality hit—Americans probably do not want to man vendor sheds or attend outdoor markets in December in Kansas City. Gradually a few ideas came forth but nothing seemed to create any sparks. Discussions progressed. We could have the outdoor venders around the semi-circle sidewalk in front of the church. Then, of course, electricity would be needed, maybe even generators, where do we store the booths, what type of permits will we need, etcetera. The ideas evolved many times until it was decided to have a food tent with the rest of the event being planned to be held within the walls of the church.
So, Our Kristkindl Markt (we changed the spelling, to be artsy) began as an indoor and outdoor event with the food outside and the vendors inside. After years of inclement weather, it was decided to combine them all inside in 2009 so the festivities would be in a more controlled environment. With this change, our “Kristkindl Village” was produced to create the atmosphere of the open air market place.
You're invited to enter Kristkindl Village and enjoy the atmosphere and excitement this event brings to everyone that enters. There's never a charge to enter Kristkindl Village! Wander the halls and see all the bustle of the 'village' as you begin your holiday season in the Premier Holiday Event in Brookside.
Many German towns host a Christkindl Markt, which is a street market associated with the celebration of Christmas during all four weeks of Advent. These markets originated in Germany, Austria, South Tyrol and Alsace. The markets date back to the Middle Ages with the market in Vienna dating back to 1294.
Generally held in town squares or public spaces, the markets sell food, drink and seasonal items from open air stalls accompanied by traditional singing and dancing.
Christkindl Markt's take their name from the Christkindl, which is an angelic messenger of the Christ child. Historically, Christkind was introduced after the reformation by the Protestants who considered St. Nicholas to be reminiscent of the Pope.
Historically, Christkind was introduced after the Protestant Reformation by Protestants who considered St. Nicholas to be too reminiscent of the Pope. Some European countries began using images of a small angel that would bring sweet treats and small gifts to deserving children. The angel became known as Christkind— meaning “an angelic messenger of the Christ child.”
The ritual tradition in many home begins with the tinkling of bells that announce the arrival of the Christkind on Christmas Eve. In German households, the parlor or main room is kept locked and guarded during the pre-Christmas season. Children are not allowed into this room until after the evening meal on Christmas Eve, giving Christkind time to leave plates filled with sweets and small presents for each child, and larger presents under the candle-lit Christmas tree.
Over the years many versions of the angel have been depicted. Some have the angel as a young child with soft curly blond hair, while other versions show Christkindl as a young lady with long blond hair and a very tall golden crown. Sometimes the angel is alone and other times the angel is with a small deer, but always shown with a solemn, ’waiting’ look upon its face. After all, the angel is waiting for the Christ child to be born.