8 minThe Health of Belonging (10/3/21)Rev. Jessica Palys So in the beginning, God hovered over the waters of chaos, creating heaven and earth, and pronounced it good. God...
8 minTribes without Tribalism (9/26/21)Rev. Jessica Palys So last week, I asked you all to consider the question: What creates belonging? What makes that possible? When is a...
8 minBecome like... Children? You sure? (9/19/21)Rev. Jessica Palys Before I get started, I just want to say thank you to Stephen King and Anton Jacobs for filling the pulpit in my...
7 minWomen as Savior: Esther (8/22/21)Rev. Jessica Palys Click here for the scripture reading: As we conclude our series of Biblical Women that are largely unknown - or...
8 minWomen as Victim: Susanna (8/15/21)Rev. Jessica Palys Scripture: Selections from Daniel 13 You’ve probably never heard of Susanna - unless your name happens to be Susanna -...